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The team traveled to purchase white oak from New England Naval Timbers, in Cornwall, CT.

Field trip to document and measure the Louis C. Roy Press at the Mackenzie Printery and Newspaper Museum in Queenston, ON, Canada.

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Map of historic presses visited by the RIT Uncommon Press team to consult for their construction of the Uncommon Press.

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The RIT Uncommon Press design and construction team from left: Daniel Krull, Educational and Social Media Specialist; Seth Gottlieb, Research Lead; Randall Paulhamus, Lead Engineer; Veronica Hebbard, Project Lead; Stephen Spector, Carpenter; Ferris…

An oil painting depicting Benjamin Franklin printing on a wooden common press. He is prinitng "Poor Richard's Almanack."

An oil painting depicting Johann Gutenberg casting movable type while another worker sets type. Gutenberg's press is in the foreground of the painting.
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