Modern Man in the Making, p. 73. Neurath's Modern Man in the Making (1939) used Isotype to illuminate the social, scientific, and political factors that shaped the modern world. This graphic shows the connection between U.S. iron production and…
Modern Man in the Making, p. 68-9. These charts from Modern Man in the Making show the connection between energy production, industrialization, and urbanization which, we saw earlier, is a sign of lower death rates. Constructing these charts and…
Modern Man in the Making, p. 45. The top half of this graphic from Modern Man in the Making (1939) shows that, between 1840 and 1930, the percentage of British living in cities doubled while birth and death rates fell roughly in half. This indicates…
Modern Man in the Making, p. 131. Modern Man in the Making describes the process by which the modern world was coming into existence. But Neurath was under no illusions that this process was inevitable. As this final graphic shows, there are vestiges…